Monday, October 19, 2009

16 347 bottles!

As of 12 October 16 347 bottles have been recycled through Red Goes Green! Thanks to all schools, residences and other partners!

Still a long way to go: bring your glass items to MFM!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Kinders moenie innie water mors nie...

Saterdag, 10 Oktober
Plaaslike skole en MFM het kragte saamgespan om 'n deel van die Plankenburg rivier skoon te maak. Na skaars 2 ure het ons 75 swartsakke volgemaak met rommel uit die rivier! Ons het ook met groot moeite en baie mannekrag TWEE matrasse uit die rivier gesleep! Die skoolkinders het alle fiemies op die oewer gelos en hard gewerk om 'n daadwerklike verskil te maak.

Dankie aan Franschhoek HS, Kayamandi Sek., Rhenish Girls High, Groendal Prim., AF Louw LS en Rietenbosch Prim wat hulle Saterdag oggend opgeoffer het om te help! Dankie ook aan die Stellenbosch Munisipaliteit wat swartsakke en handskoene voorsien het en al die vullis weggery het na afloop van die dag.

The wood for the trees

No better way to go green than to plant a tree! On 3 October, a group of MFM'ers, members of the Student Representative Council and the Stellenbosch Youth Council planted 25 indigenous trees next to the Eerste River, opposite Stellenbosch Fine Foods&Wine Kwikspar. A team from Spier Wines joined us and planted a coral tree to show their support.

MFM would like to thank Fine Foods&Wine Kwikspar, not only for the refreshments, but for taking ownership of the trees. Kwikspar will make sure the trees get all the water, attention and love they need!

After a morning of hard work, the Tree Team went to the Sustainability Institute for a delicious organic, ethically-source, farm-to-fork meal and a glass of Spier wine. We also went for a tour of the Institute to learn about an alternative, innovative way of green living.

A big thank you to the Stellenbosch Municipality for sponsorship of the trees, tools and compost! Also to our other sponsors for making this event possible. And of course, the volunteers for leaving a visible, green legacy in Stellenbosch!

Mornig After goes GREEN!

Tune in with Luca between 10:00 and 11:00 this week and win yourself an awesome Red Goes Green Hamper!

The hamper includes a copy of Simon "the Weatherman" Gear's book Going Green: 365 ways to change our world and a re-usable shopping bag, compliments of Stellenbosch Fine Foods&Wine Kwikspar. If you take your copy of Going Green to the Kwikspar (opposite Paul Roos Gymnasium), Kwikspar will give you coffee for two for free! Also in the hamper, a bottle of Spier wine!

SMS 34995 MFM Red Goes Green Name Surname.

Waar is Weg?

Red Goes Green is gebore uit my persoonlike reis met rommel. Nooit het ek gedink dat die Waste Management Workshop wat ek in Julie bygewoon het, so 'n rippelkring effek in my en ander se lewens sou he nie!

Anders as gewone werkswinkels, het Sustainable Stellenbosch besluit om eers vir ons die probleem te wys: omtrent 60 afgevaardigdes, nuuskieriges en aktiviste het die stortingsterrein uitgeklim. Ja, uitgeklim. Sestien meter van rommel. MY rommel. JOU rommel. In die hartjie van die wynland, net buite ons mooie dorp is 'n groot, gapende wond. En vir die eerste keer het ek besef:

There is no 'away'.

Alles gaan erens heen! Al is die swartsak Dinsdag oggend 07:30 nie meer my probleem nie, gaan dit dalk my toekomstige kinders se probleem word. Toe is dit asof 'n groen CFL lampie vir my aangaan: ek moet iets doen, en, meer belangrik, ek kan iets doen!

Die storie van die stortingsterrein is een van hoop. Uit die werkswinkel is vennootskappe tussen MFM, Sustainable Stellenbosch, Spier en The Glass Company gebore. Groen organisasies het nou 'n platform. Die SR en Munisipaliteit praat herwinning.

Maar besef: die groen pad is nie altyd maklik nie, en is soms een wat jy alleen stap. Moenie wag vir die Munisipaliteit, jou grootmens lewe of jou instansie om herwinning vir jou te doen nie. Jou carbon footprint is jou eie.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

92 600 bottles of glass on the dump... 92 600 bottles of glass...

STOP! The Stellenbosch landfill is full to the brim! It can take no more!

Red Goes Green aims to establish sustainable glass recycling in Stellenbosch. MFM 92.6 has teamed up with The Glass Company to provide bins for glass recycling. The Glass Company collects glass (broken or whole) free of charge from schools, university residences and restaurants. The glass is delivered to glass recycling plants.

Why glass? Glass is infinitely recyclable!! Give us 92 600 bottles and we can make 92 600 new ones!

So bring your clean glass items (any shape or form) to the MFM studio's and help us save Stellenbosch!

Watch this space or mail if you want more information.